Monday, June 14, 2010

Test tidal turbine takes a beating

Having the highest tides in the world also means having the strongest tides ~ and that's what captivates those dreaming of harnassing tidal energy from the Bay of Fundy.

Tidal turbine testing started last November with the installation of the first of three different in-stream technologies. The test site is just a few kilometres from my daily dog walking route on the shores so I've been keeping a close eye on the project. Ultimately, as part of this testing phase there will be three turbines installed.

The Bay is quite intense in that location: the narrowest passage of a bay where 100 billion tonnes of seawater is passing with each 2x daily tide cycle and the news came this week that the 1st turbine lost a couple blades and will need to be removed from the Bay for further testing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's harnesing tidal energy, not harrassing it. Ha!
Next to the hydro picture

Having the highest tides in the world also means having the strongest tides ~ and that's what captivates those dreaming of harassing tidal energy from the Bay of Fundy.