Saturday, June 06, 2009

Poppies ablaze in the garden

I'm not much of a 'fancy gardener' but a sure do enjoy the many perennials that pop up in our ditches and flower gardens each spring & summer here on the Bay of Fundy.

The first shrub to bloom in my garden is February Daphne (which folks around here call "May Bush") must bloom somewhere (Florida?) in February but it's April or early May blooming here.

Next in the harbinger-of-spring sequence are Forget-me-nots and fruit blossoms (apple, pear, etc.) which are pretty much fading by now. Next in line is Columbine - my purples are waving away this weekend and, of course, bright Poppies (pictured here from my garden) which burst forth this week. When my kids were little we'd take bets on which day the first poppy would pop - just like us, they sure respond to the sun at this time of year!

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