Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sea kayaking in Alma, NB

FreshAir Adventure, in Alma, NB, is another super sea kayaking company here in our region. It seems like all my recommendations about sea kayaking in the Bay of Fundy have a theme: sea kayaking opens up new opportunities to explore the Fundy coast and tidal experiences. This is certainly true in FreshAir's region - along the coast of Fundy National Park and within the newly declared Bay of Fundy UNESCO Biosphere zone.

This photo shows FreshAir kayakers coming in on the rising tide at the Alma wharf... there is, of course, no water below them when the tide is low. Even the larger fishing boats would be on the ground!

One of FreshAir's owners, Joe, is also a teacher in the NB Community College Adventure Tourism program; and the other owner, Alan, is a high school science textbook writer and international kayaker.

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