Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Got dulse?

Previous blog readers will know I'm crazy about dulse - our edible Bay of Fundy seaweed treat. It's dulsing time now at various locations around the Bay . Dulse harvesters are venturing out in their small open boats at 4 and 5 a.m. these days, depending on the tides, to pull in loads of the tasty seaweed.

Dulse can be taken from the same rocky bed every two weeks — it grows that fast — and is one of the few remaining sea products whose harvest is not regulated by government.

Wanda VanTassel of Gullivers Cove on Digby Neck is up to her elbows in the purple seaweed every day.

She owns Fundy Dulse, a company that harvests, packs and sells dulse and stuff made from dulse, like dulse flakes and even dulse soap. Wet dulse loses about 50 per cent of its weight while drying.

Dulse, which is rich in iodine and minerals, contains some protein and has been used for everything from folk remedy to snack food. After the dulse is harvested, it is cleaned of things like shells and sticks and delivered to the drying grounds where it is spread out. On a good day, it can be picked up for packaging after four or five hours in the sun.

Click here for my previous posts on dulse.


Anonymous said...

Terri, New to the net and saw your blog. Very impressed with the knowledge and positive spin on our fabulous area. Continue with this. Its a great site. Essie.

Anonymous said...

Wow--and yummy, yummy. I looked at the image of the dulse and it looked delicious. Being from the Northeast originally, I ate dulse since I was a kid--most as just a snack. My mother use to bring it home after she visited New Brunswick.
Recently, a friend of mine, that I attended college with in New Mexico--a wonderful place that is plagued with Juniper, Cottonwood and all other kinds of pesky weeds that torture you with horendous allergies--Audrey (from Saskatchewan)suffered unbelievably bad. I told her about "Dulse" and how it was a great medicine (as attested by my mother), I convinced her into trying some. After buying it at the local Vitamin Cottage, she pulled off a little piece and popped it in her mouth--I could tell right away that she wanted to spit it out; however, she was convinced that it was good for her because it tasted bad (I think it tastes delicious!) In any case, about two days after forcing herself to eat it, the symptoms of her allergies disappeared--and presto, she was feeling almost 100% better.To this day--Audrey eats it daily; she's yet to become accustomed to the taste, but she knows its good for her.

Barbara Francis, Albuquerque, NM