A quick trip into Bay of Fundy's architecture archives reveals an interesting fact: many of our heritage churches were designed and built by shipbuilders
These churches were intended to be both prominent and permanent fixtures in communities, and, unlike their tall ship counterparts have weathered the test of time.
On Sundays (and on Christmas eve, for sure) church bells still ring from church towers in my town and in many other communities around the Bay...a tradition that warms the hearts of all who hear them.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Church bells sound around the bay on Christmas eve
Friday, December 23, 2011
Do-it-yourself-Christmas tree?
If you happen to have 40 or 50 spare lobster traps kicking around this season why not construct one of these charming Christmas trees...guaranteed to make you a very popular neighbour around our bay.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Chicken bones for Christmas?
Since mentioning our lobster-eating Christmas tradition in my last post, I feel compelled to reveal another Bay of Fundy food tradition oft witnessed at this time of year: eating chicken bones. And no, it's not random leftover body parts of real chickens that creep their way into our poultry-free season - it's the famous Ganong chicken bones candy.
In case you're not from the Bay of Fundy, I should explain: "chicken bones" are a pink, tubular, cinnamon candy with a row of semi-sweet chocolate lengthwise inside. Chicken bones were invented by our Ganong Bros. chocolate company and are still available throughout the region (and the country!).
Based in St Stephen, New Brunswick, Ganong is actually Canada's oldest candy company (founded in 1873). It's still thriving; employing about 400 people and shipping throughout the world. Chicken bones are readily available here year-round but, somehow, they always remind of Christmas! (p.s. real 'chicken bone' connoisseurs are careful to avoid the 'knock offs' - not nearly as tasty the real thing!)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Turkey vs. Lobster: the great debate!
It's not unusual for Bay of Fundy folk to celebrate family occasions with a lobster boil. Here in upper Fundy the lobster season comes to a close at the end of December so it's a great chance to have a final feed before next spring when the season opens again.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Elf shoe makers in Bay of Fundy
Yes, this tale is for real...there is a small company of cobblers in the village of Granville Ferry, near Annapolis Royal, on the Nova Scotia side of Bay of Fundy. These folk have been making specialty shoes for film and theatre for about 20 years. Think: faerie shoes, Shrek boots, elf slippers....
The shoemakers work out of a historic building in the community ('though come to think of it, all the houses in pretty Granville Ferry are historic!) equipped with fairytale-like workbenches, cutting tables, heavy-duty sewing machines and floor-to-ceiling bolts of leather.
Previous clients for Handmade Shoes include Stratford Festival, Shaw Festival, Canadian Opera Company, as well as many Broadway productions (including Shrek) and theatre festivals. They are currently designing and producing fancy footwear (picture here) for Wicked, a touring show based on Gregory Maguire's book The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West.
And, in case this post gave you a hankering for the original Christmas elf story, here's link to a version of the original Brothers Grimm tale.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Aye, she fishes, that she does
Although there are many enticing job prospects for those of us who live around the Bay of Fundy, such as dulse picker, flounder boat T-shirt designer, mudshrimp biologist, seagull watcher, elf shoe maker, rug hooker, intertidal zone moon walker, salmon smoker and seagull researcher, I've never quite gotten over the appeal of becoming a lobster fisher.
Posted by
5:09 a.m.
Labels: Boats on the bay, Musings, Nature, Whales - fish -other creatures
Friday, December 02, 2011
Gingerbread Biscotti
Folks around the Bay of Fundy still use both molasses and ginger in ginger cakes, molasses cookies and ginger snaps. Ginger arrived here during the golden Age of Sail and good ole molasses (from the West Indies) arrived along with it.
Gingerbread Biscotti
3 c all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground allspice
3 tsp ground (powdered) ginger
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup melted butter
2 eggs
1/2 cup blackstrap molasses
1/3 cup chopped crystalized ginger
1. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and spices.
2. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, butter, and molasses.
3. Stir wet into dry until a soft, sticky dough forms. Transfer dough to lightly floured surface. Form into smooth ball (adding a bit more flour if necessary to reduce stickiness).
4. Divide dough in half. Roll each into logs, approximately 12 inches long. Transfer to ungreased baking sheet.
4. Brush logs with egg white; bake at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes.
5. Remove, let cool for 15 minutes. Transfer logs to cutting board. Using a sharp unserated knive, cut diagonally into 3/4 inch thick slices. (To make biscotti longer, cut slices at sharper angle).
6. Stand cookies upright on a baking sheet, leaving space between them. Return to oven for 2nd baking for 20 minutes at reduced heat of 325 degrees F.
7. Cool biscotti on baking sheets for 5 minutes. Transfer to wire racks and cool completely. Biscotti will keep for a month in an airtight container in the fridge.
Cranberry Orange Biscotti recipe
Just starting to dig out Christmas cookie recipes and thought I'd share this one for cranberry-orange biscotti. Certainly cranberries are well known for their connection to Christmas but in our house oranges also have a place of honour.
Cranberry Orange Biscotti
(makes 2 dozen)
3 1/2 cup all purpose flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cup whole almonds
1 cup dried sweentened cranberries
4 eggs
1 1/2 cup white sugar
2/3 cup melted butter
4 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract
4 tsp finely grated orange rind
1 egg white, slightly beaten
1. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, almonds and cranberries
2. In a seperate bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla, almond extract and orange rind.
3. Stir wet into dry until a soft, sticky dough forms. Transfer dough to lightly floured surface. Form into smooth ball. Divide dough in thirds. Roll each into logs, approximately 12 inches long. Transfer to ungreased baking sheet.
4. Brush logs with egg white; bake at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes.
5. Remove, let cool for 15 minutes. Transfer logs to cutting board. Using a sharp unserated knive, cut diagonally into 3/4 inch thick slices. (To make biscotti longer cut slices at sharper angle).
6. Stand cookies upright on a baking sheet, leaving space between them. Return to oven for 2nd baking for 20 minutes at reduced heat of 325 degrees F.
7. Cool biscotti on baking sheets for 5 minutes. Transfer to wire racks and cool completely. Biscotti will keep for a month in an airtight container in the fridge.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Shubie Canal celebrates 150 yrs!
Today is the 150th anniversary of the first complete commercial voyage on the completed canal. To celebrate, two local fellows paddled their canoe over the past couple of days through the original 100 km from the Customs Wharf in Halifax to the wharf in Maitland on the Bay of Fundy. Although the first full large boat trip on the canal was by the 60-foot long barge, the MV Avery these two paddlers chose to make this celebratory trip by canoe in honour of the Mi'kmaq who originally traveled this waterway by canoe.
Canals were common transportation routes in North America in the 1800s but this was the only canal ever developed in Atlantic Canada. Although used by First Nations for thousands of years prior, it developed and connected as a commercial shipping route by Sir John Wentworth. It was completed in 1856 but its effectiveness in bringing all manner of industrial goods into Halifax ultimately contributed to its demise as a commercial route. One of the biggest sources of revenue for the canal was the transport of iron for the new Nova Scotia railway. Only 14 years after the canal opened the railway replaced the canal's draw bridges with solid bridges that prevented commercial boats from passing beneath.
The Shubenacadie Canal, although long since lost to commercial transport, is still an extraordinary network of rivers and lakes that are greatly enjoyed by recreational canoeists and kayakers.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wazzup with the glowing blueberry fields?
Late autumn winds may have sent our bright fall leaves aloft then crunching underfoot but there are still two lingering blasts of colour to enjoy here around Bay of Fundy: blueberry fields and Tamarack trees!
I've been out 'in the field' this week with my attention grabbed by these bright red fields and glowing trees.
I'll try to get a photo of the golden Tamaracks to post too but, in the meantime, check out these glow-in-the-dark-days-of-November blueberry fields. No photoshopping, no special lens, no nothing: just plain old extraordinary nature here on the big-tide bay!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Rare caviar turns up in Bay of Fundy?
Friday, November 11, 2011
What a tidal wave we made!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Whale of a time in the Fundy city!
And we welcomed one special guest: this fabulous North Atlantic Right whale. It's an exact size replica of a baby Right whale...such a cutie! On loan from Irving, who has been instrumental in the re-routing of shipping lanes to protect Right whales in our Bay.
Whales are among my favourite Fundy critters. The members of our Bay of Fundy facebook fan page are having fun adding a caption for this photo...add yours!
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Dare to be deep?
While there might not be enough time to get a full network of MPAs in place before next year there is a groundswell of support surging across the country. CPAWS (Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society) is engaging Canadians from coast to coast in its Dare to be Deep initiative. Its quest involves getting 12,000 Canadians to endorse a message to the federal government requesting 12 marine protected areas by the end of 2012.
Our Bay of Fundy, due to its 'wonderful' ecological significance, is one of the areas under consideration so I'm pledging, are you?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Whoooo we've got celebrities everywhere...
See more videos from David Myles, 22 Minutes crew, etc. on our website.
And now YOU can submit your own 30 sec video supporting the Bay of Fundy's quest to become one of the New7Wonders of Nature. C'mon you know you want to....click here for info.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Rick & Measha go whale watching!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Rick Mercer loves Bay of Fundy!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Parliament Hill: Mission Accomplished!
We started our day with a presentation to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage then hosted a press conference outside the main chamber where we presented our Messages in a Bottle to MPs. I hafta say I don't think I've seen a group of grownups more excited about anything as these heartfelt messages from kids!
If you're a keen Parliament Hill watcher, check out these couple of clips from the press conference and from our message presentation to MP Peter MacKay.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Fundy kids love our Bay!
Humphrey the Fundy whale car and I are on a very special mission this weekend: to boldly go where no whale car has gone before...to Ottawa! We're taking a very special parcel to our nation's capital - 107 messages in one giant bottle.
This week Bay of Fundy schools wrote messages to Members of Parliament which we are delivering on Tuesday to the House of Commons.
Humphrey is quite excited about his first trip outside the region and will be posting on his facebook page for the next few days if you'd like to follow along!
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Pumpkin Regatta this weekend!
This Pumpkin Regatta takes place every Thanksgiving Sunday (that's the 2nd weekend in October - earlier than U.S. Thanksgiving). I'll be joining about 10,000 people in downtown Windsor this weekend to watch up to 100 giant pumpkins parade through town then enthusiastically compete against each other in a paddle across the lake. Check out this episode of our Bay of Fundy Travel Show that we filmed at the race last year.
When you visit Windsor any time of year drop by Howard Dill's Pumpkin Farm: Howard is the world winning pumpkin grower who really put Windsor on the map and the family farm (source of all the giant pumpkin boats) is a delight to visit.
Posted by
8:17 a.m.
Labels: Boats on the bay, Cool stuff to do, Seasons, Strange but True
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Fundy rocks!
No doubt it has a formal name but to locals it's known as the Old Wife.
Turn your head to the left to see the lady herself wearing a fine, peaked bonnet and a hooped dress.
I snapped this photo yesterday from the ocean floor at low tide: at high tide, of course, the old gal is surrounding by a Bay of Fundy cleansing spa!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Hooray for sardines!
It's great to see a previously unsung Bay of Fundy food product finally getting it's due: sardines! Now that Omega-3s and foods with essential fatty acids are popular, sardines are becoming the trendy new health food.
Here around the Bay of Fundy we've been eating canned sardines for over 100 years - thanks to really good producers like Brunswick sardines. The Connors brothers in Black's Harbour, New Brunswick, have been canning seafood since 1889.
The company still thrives: stocking not only the shelves of all Canadian grocery stores but supplying sardines and other fishy stuff to over 40 countries.
A love of sardines has become the unofficial way of screening compatibility for a new staff in our office. We were worried about the new chick from Alberta last year but, no fear, she arrived on Day 2 with mustard sardines in her lunch!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Autumn sunsets ~ Fundy style!
Year-round, there are 2 things I never leave home without: my scissors and my camera. Scissors for wildflowers or goose tongue greens from Bay of Fundy's prolific marshes and ditches, and camera for capturing such this lucky shots as this in Five Islands, Nova Scotia.
And to think, I was just 'minding my own business' on the way to a meeting! whoa....
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wow the Bay of Fundy looks great on TV!
Missed it on TV? take a look online at CTV's website It's a great way to get the word out to the rest of the country to support its only finalist in the global New7Wonders of Nature campaign. Here's a photo of local folk on the ocean floor at low tide greeting Jeff and promoting the vote.
Go to VoteMyFundy.com to vote using your email address, or text FUNDY to 77077 on any Canadian cell phone ($0.25 per text)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Guess who's coming to breakfast!
The first half of the show will be filmed live at Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick from about 6:30 to 8:15, the second half from the Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, harbour starting at 8:00 'til about 9:30. (Jeff traverses the bay speedy-speedy 'as the seagull flies' by helicopter)
If you're not in the 'hood to join us for a morning coffee then please tune in anywhere across the country to see glimpses of our pretty bay on Canada's most watched morning show.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Bay of Fundy Mud'icure...all in a day's work!
Alright decide for yourself if you'd take on this week's challenge...the mission: to choreograph and host a day's worth of zany adventures on the Nova Scotia side of Bay of Fundy for Jeff & Chris Eager, hosts of the Great Canadian Adventure Tour.
Oh the day started off ordinarily enough...just speeding out at dawn for whale watching with Ocean Explorations, then opening lobster with bare hands on the beach at Halls Harbour, but got decidedly more interesting after a tromp & tasting through the vinyard at Domaine de Grand Pre winery when the three of us had an up-close-and-personal look at mud ecology at Evangeline Beach....heh heh heh...all in a day's work here on the bay.
The day was captured on film as part of their Great Canadian Adventure Tour series (will be posted on their website in a few days). In the meantime, follow these crazy fellas as they head out across Canada to capture the essence of our great country, coast to coast, 41 days, check 'em out on facebook or on twitter @CanadaAdventure.
Posted by
8:21 a.m.
Labels: Beachscapes, Cool stuff to do, Environment, Fav posts, High-low tide pics, Nature, Strange but True
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Teen fun in Fundy? brrrrrr
It's a fairly common sight to see kids of all ages 'wharf jumping' on a hot summer's day. Since the water temperature is only about 10 degrees you can imagine that it's quite a refreshing dip. Needless to say, they don't linger but use the tidal wharf ladders to scoot back up and do it repeatedly.
Oddly, you never see adults doing this...brrrrrrrr!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Great white shark appreciation day!
Hey! Did you know it's Great White Shark Appreciation Day in the Bay of Fundy today?
Further to my last post, I've decided to declare the Great White Shark our official fish mascot for the Bay of Fundy in the New7Wonders of Nature campaign!
Posted by
12:24 p.m.
Labels: Environment, Musings, Nature, Strange but True, Whales - fish -other creatures
Dangerous critters lurk in our bay! haha
There've been a few sightings of great white sharks in our bay in the past few weeks (yes, they are the JAWS movie sharks).
Posted by
11:35 a.m.
Labels: Musings, Strange but True, Whales - fish -other creatures
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Recipe for sun-dried starfish
Take two (or more) starfish washed up on a Bay of Fundy beach after a wild & windy tide.
Lay out starfish "sunny side up" on your patio table or deck.
Place on newsprint initially if they are gooey.
Lightly brush to remove seaweed or loose rocks.
To lighten, leave in sun an extra couple days.
Once dry, bring inside for decoration.
P.S. Do not eat - bleck!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Bay of Fundy starfish tide
If you're lucky on a Bay of Fundy beach after a particularly turbulant tide you can catch a rare deposit of starfish high & dry. Such was my luck this weekend on West Advocate Beach, Nova Scotia. I discovered several 10-in starfish caught up in the wrack line after the tide receded. They are dry, if a bit briny-smelling. Being the beachcomber that I am, I scooped this one up with the intention of giving it a new home on my bookshelf!
If you think I'm being insensitive to the plight of the starfish you need to know that life is tough for our marine creatures in the intertidal zone. At high tide, cold water smothers plants and sea creatures at high tide; sun cooks them at low tide in summer & ice encases them in winter. So, yes, we do get some casualties - it's just part of life around the world's biggest tide bay...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I was visiting Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site today when I crossed over this tidal river and remembered that I had a photo of it buried in my archives somewhere.
Sure enough there it was! My Ontario colleague, Colin, snapped this pic when we were attending some meetings around the Bay of Fundy a few years ago.
Many of Fundy's tidal rivers (or estuaries, if you want to be fancy!) show interesting sights at low tide when the sea water recedes and the fresh water river lingers beneath.
Every time I see such mud-flanked rivers my mouth waters...their edges look for all the world like creamy chocolate! So be warned: travels around the Bay of Fundy may be hazardous to your waistline.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Tide by timelapse
One of the best, though possibly slightly confuzzling, ways to 'see the tides' before a visit to Bay of Fundy is to check out one of our many time lapse videos. Here's a first: a new 24-hour time lapse prepped by Nova Scotia's provincial photographer, Len Wagg, from about 7000 still images. It's phenomenal...(oh and the reason it's confuzzling is that visitors sometimes think the tide actually comes in this quickly....oooops! it's actually 6 hrs 13 min from high to low folks)
Monday, August 01, 2011
Fundy beach fire etiquette
In case you find yourself around the beautiful Bay of Fundy this summer, I thought I'd pass along a few tips for hosting a proper bonfire.
Tip #1 - arrive before dusk to gather driftwood. Look well above the normal high tide line (e.g. in the marsh grasses) for wood because the usual to-fro of the tides will have drawn back most driftwood from the regular tide line. (Note that by the end of the summer you may have to bring some of your own woodstove wood because the driftwood might be quite picked over.)
Tip #2 - look for a couple of large driftwood trees to use as benches. At commonly frequented beaches, these will often already be set in a V or U around a makeshift pit. (BTW it is considered a major faux pas to use driftwood tree trunks as fire wood!!)
Tip #3 - it is not necessary to build one of those cute oval fire pits surrounded by large rocks; this will immediately give you away as a city camper. You are on a stone beach - there is nothing nearby to catch fire! (Exception: if you have little kids with you, you may want to put some sort of visual barrier around the pit).
Tip #4 - determine if the tide is coming in or out. If it's on its way in and you build your fire half way down the beach you may not have time to roast a marshmallow. Instead, I'd suggest building your fire just below the anticipated high tide line. If the tide is in or just heading out when you build your fire, build it on the high side of tide line or you'll end up sitting on wet sand.
Here's a photo of our first beach fire of the season (last night), which leads me to my final tip:
Tip #5 - train your dog to fetch more driftwood while you cook your s'mores. You can see our yellow lab in action just behind the blaze.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Right whale research gets a boost
If you've purchased gas at any Irving station in our region lately you may have seen a nice poster of Moira Brown and her whale research initiative with staff and students from the New England Aquarium. Moira is certainly no stranger to our bay: she's been researching whales and whale habitat here for decades and she was instrumental in working with industry to reroute shipping lanes through the Bay of Fundy. Our Right whale population has rebounded to about 450. Get more info about the partnership between the New England Aquarium and Irving or watch this video! on this website.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Go ahead, get muddy!
One of our favourite surprises for families visiting from outside the region is to take them to the beach. Surely not an uncommon activity for those living in coastal Atlantic Canada but a few of our beaches are a little 'different' here on the Bay of Fundy. One of my favourites is the beach at Five Islands Provincial Park in Nova Scotia. This is the site of the annual Not Since Moses race across the ocean floor but it's also a local swimming and mud-sliding spot. I snapped a couple photos this weekend as evidence!
Friday, July 01, 2011
Crazy Saint Johners make Giant 7
There's certainly LOTS of excitement about the Bay of Fundy representing Canada in the global New7Wonders of Nature campaign. In fact, folks in the Fundy city of Saint John, New Brunswick, are so excited about 700 of them decided to turn up on the waterfront a couple days ago to form a giant human 7. Check out this time-lapse video... Gooooooooo Fundy!
Posted by
9:11 a.m.
Labels: Boats on the bay, Fav posts, Musings, Outdoor web cams
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Time to race across the ocean floor!
This summer's biggest tides happen this coming weekend which, for the folks in the upper Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia means one thing: the Not Since Moses race !
We tidal coast dwellers are kinda crazy and one day a year we like to invite the public to join us for an organized but slightly risky race across the low tide ocean floor in Five Islands, Nova Scotia. This year about 800 walkers and runners are expected.
The race was the brainchild of one of our newer residents: Dick Lemon (orginally from California). Here's how he describes the race in an interview yesterday with the Chronicle Herald:
"Not since Moses have we been able to have the sea part for us," Lemon said. "It is an incredible process. We are all slaves to something, whether we know it or not, and we can escape. We run in beauty and, in that moment, we are free." Read more
Photo credit: Wally Hayes, Nova Scotia Tourism, Culture & Heritage
Posted by
9:34 a.m.
Labels: Beachscapes, Cool stuff to do, High-low tide pics, Nature
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
We grow our critters BIG here in Bay of Fundy
Well look what the tide dragged in this week...22.3 lb (10 kg) lobster! One of our lobster fishermen, Troy Mitchell, and his son Ian just landed their largest-ever single lobster catch, which they nicknamed "Tiny".
Troy has put the lobster up for sale online in hopes someone might want to save Tiny, either to donate to the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St. Andrews, N.B. to display or to set him free.
He says his preference is to donate the proceeds to the local Cancer Society charity, instead of selling the lobster to the market within the next few days.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest lobster ever found was a 20-kilogram (44 pounds) beast, caught off the coast of Nova Scotia in 1977.
An average caught lobster in the Bay of Fundy is in the 1.5 pounds to two pounds range.
Oh and how old would a 22 lb lobster be? good question: about 40 years!
Three years ago in New Brunswick, a 10-kilogram lobster named Dee-Dee was saved from a boiling pot by a $1,000 donation, even though a fish shop owner was offered $5,000 by a group that wanted to eat it.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Moving day? Bay of Fundy style...
Locals along our coast in the upper Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, were recently treated to an increasingly unusual sight: a building relocation and re-purposing. Historically here on the Bay we've put our crazy tides to good use for moving homes and other large structures to new spots. As a child I remember hearing the story of a family who moved by barge about 20 km down the Bay while the children napped and the mom baked bread inside the house!
Such was the case for this 167-year old church which recently took a ride down river to become part of the new Avondale Sky Winery. The church was purchased by the winery owners for just $1 after it was decommissioned a few years ago. But if you think you'd like to do same, consider the challenges of moving 30 tonnes of history.
Looking forward to seeing St Matthew's in its new Avondale location this summer!
Posted by
7:59 a.m.
Labels: Architecture, How the tides work, Legends-folklore, Strange but True
Friday, May 20, 2011
Humphrey takes a hike!
The May long weekend (known as Victoria Day weekend in Canada) is a busy one around the Bay of Fundy. It's the weekend when many of our parks and attractions open for the season.
Humphrey the Fundy Humpback Whale Car and I were happy to be in St Martins, New Brunswick, today for the season opening of the Fundy Trail.
This is one of my favourite places around our bay: it's a coastal access network which includes a low-speed auto parkway with about a dozen scenic lookouts (Humphrey visits one in today's photo), 16 km of walking and/or cycling trail, footpaths to beaches and river estuaries, and an Interpretive Centre.
Take a video tour of the Fundy Trail in Episode # 9 of our Bay of Fundy Travel Show on YouTube.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Bay of Fundy Travel Show episode #17: Blomidon Provincial Park
We truly are blessed with many fabulous coastal parks around the Bay of Fundy in both provinces. Fresh out of the edit room is the episode of our Bay of Fundy Travel Show filmed last fall: Blomidon Provincial Park in Nova Scotia. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Kayaking Fundy Bay
Had a really good time at the Saltscapes Expo last weekend - it's a fun show featuring music, food and craft from our Atlantic provinces. I also did a bit of 'virtual kayaking' in the New Brunswick Tourism booth at the show. A great reminder of how much awesome sea kayaking we have here on the Bay of Fundy.
Take a look at my other previous posts of Bay of Fundy kayak companies: Nova Shores Adventures, FreshAir Adventures, Baymount Adventures, and Seascape Kayak Tours.
Monday, May 02, 2011
Tideview Cider wins GOLD Internationally
I was quite excited to find out at the annual Saltscapes Expo this weekend that Tideview Cider just won four medals at the Great Lakes Cider and Perry Competition in Michigan This competition is the largest of its kind in North America and the second largest in the English-speaking world.
Tideview's big winner was Tideview Heritage Dry Cider 2007: a classic dry cider winning both a gold medal for Best North American Style Cider and an honourable mention for Best of Show. According toTideview’s cider-maker, John Brett, there were over 130 entrants in that category.
Other Tideview awards include a silver medal for Heritage SemiDry 2008, and a bronze medal for the Raspberry Cider 2008.
The Great Lakes Cider and Perry Competition is open to all apple and pear fermentation beverages. Brett emphasizes that “Cider” and “Perry” are alcoholic beverages made by fermenting apple or pear juice. Entries came from 17 US states and three Canadian provinces, as well as producers in the English counties of Herefordshire, Warwickshire, Dorset and Suffolk.
“Our goal is to produce fine ciders and hopefully, in the process, revive the strong cider-making tradition that existed in Nova Scotia from the 17th through the 19th century,” says Brett. “Most people wouldn’t know that the Acadian settlers planted apple orchards in the 17th century so they could make hard ciders - which makes our cider tradition one of the oldest on the continent.”
“In other parts of the world where cider is popular there isn’t any confusion,” Brett explains. “Cider is an alcoholic beverage, like wine. But here in North America, we often use “cider” to refer to sweet, unfermented apple juice…sometimes when we sample our ciders at special events or the farm market it takes people by surprise.”
Tideview Cider has been around for six years. All of the special cider apples and other fruit is grown at Noggins Corner Farm or by neighbouring farms. The farm is located on the shores of the Minas Basin at the head of the Bay of Fundy, between Wolfville and New Minas.
I often give this 'Bay of Fundy themed' cider as a gift: can be purchased at Noggins Farm, in many Nova Scotia Liquor stores and at several specialty wine shops in Halifax.